7 Ways Lift Chairs Can Help You Through Surgery Recovery

Have you or a loved one recently undergone surgery? Your home recovery could be a long and lonely journey. If you’re looking for a mobility aid, lift chairs are an excellent solution. To ease your post-surgery discomfort, you need a comfortable place to sit, lie and relax as you make your way towards restored health.

Here are seven ways lift chairs can be your recovery companion. They’re affordable, practical and lend a helping hand to both you & your caregiver. They’ll help make your post-operative process as smooth as possible, with reduced pain and easier mobility.  

What is a Lift Chair?

A lift chair actually looks the same as a standard reclining armchair. What’s the difference? The extra features! Lift chairs are classified as pieces of medical equipment. They can be used in either an upright position for sitting, or pushing a button transforms an electric lift chair into a reclined position.

Lift chairs have a built-in strengthened lifting system to tilt the base and back of the chair forward. The armchair lifts and slants, assisting to return you to a standing position. Instead of manually pulling a lever or pressing a switch, you operate lift chairs via remote.

Available in various shapes, sizes and styles, an electric recliner lift chair can be customised according to your post-operative needs. Whether you require a lift chair with a small or large width, petite or tall height or cloth, leather or vinyl upholstery, you can make your specific selection. Lift chairs offer different positions, plus some even include additional heat and massage features.

Lift Chairs in Post-Surgery Recovery

If you’ve just had surgery, you’ll know how tricky it can be to get out of a chair without that normal support of your recovering limb. Whether your ankle, arm, eye, foot, hip, knee or leg is currently out of action, you don’t want the added stress of sitting down and standing up unassisted. In addition, you’re trying to rebuild your appetite and energy while being on your doctor’s orders to rest as much as possible.

Because they make it easier to move and allow for comfortable eating positions, lift chairs are a helping hand in recovering from the following operations:

  • broken bone repair
  • eye surgery or cataract removal
  • joint replacement
  • open heart surgery
  • shoulder or rotator cuff surgery

Lift chairs can benefit your post-surgery through:

  1. Less Joint Strain

A lift chair is designed to put less strain on your joints as you stand up. The result? Reduced overall pain and discomfort. Lift chairs allow your body to take it easier as it recovers. In the same way, lift chairs reduce strain on broken bones to offer a more comfortable recuperation.

  1. Correct Spinal Alignment

You’ll be sitting and lying in more ergonomically correct positions on an electric lift chair. This helps your spine to be better aligned while you heal.

  1. Improved Blood Circulation

Due to the nature of an electric recliner lift chair’s design, you can prop up your feet on a foot rest. This aids blood circulation and can reduce muscle cramps, numbness, tingling & a throbbing or stinging pain in your limbs. 

  1. Increased Lung Capacity

By placing lift chairs in an infinite or Zero Gravity position, your feet and legs are elevated above your heart. Known as the Trendelenberg position, this also helps increase your lung capacity.

  1. Saved Movement to and From Your Bedroom

If your bedroom is up a flight of stairs or on the other side of your house, you won’t want to walk far distances to rest. A lift chair in your living room can help with easy access to your recovery “bed” whenever you need to nap.

Recovering from open-heart surgery? It could take at least six weeks to start feeling better. By staying in one room, you can position the chair as close to the bathroom as possible for your ease and comfort. In addition, you’ll have less risks of trips or falls during your recovery period.

  1. Improved Quality of Sleep

It can be challenging to find a comfortable position and good night’s sleep after major surgery. What your body needs most is rest in order to recover well and as fast as possible. You can adjust lift chairs for maximised comfort. No more tossing and turning in bed. You’ll benefit from reduced pain and a much better, deep quality sleep from the comfort of your electric recliner lift chair. 

  1. Heat and Massage Therapy

If your surgery recovery requires heat and massage therapy, your lift chair is a more cost effective alternative to modifying your bathtub. If you’re suffering from arthritis, back pain, sore joints or other health conditions, you’ll enjoy the therapeutic benefits of using a lift chair throughout your surgery recovery.

For optimal comfort as you navigate your post-surgery recovery, an electric lift chair is your game changer. It’s the perfect solution towards a positive recovery, comfortable relaxation, improved sleep and assisted mobility. You’ll be eternally grateful you invested in one.