These Actually Work!Small Home Hacks That Are Not About Making The Space Visually Bigger

Small homes do not have to be uncomfortable. Dealing with less space can cause a headache, but that does not have to mean that you can’t do it. And today I have some important tips on how to deal with small space issues. And no, I’m not talking about the rule ” make your space visually bigger”, because it will not solve storage problems. These tips will be really helpful on actually having bigger space. Check out these small home hacksĀ and reorganize your home!

Go for multipurpose rooms

Having fever walls sounds crazy, but it actually works. An open floor concept has been widely accepted as suitable for small spaces. Make the rooms work smarter and be more compact. The idea of 2 in 1 sounds good.


Add a loft wherever you can

If you have a ceiling high enough, then don’t leave it unused. Make a loft bedroom above your kitchen or living room. Using the vertical space is such a smart idea. Despite, you will have a private area where you can rest.


Use shelves as room dividers

Instead of having a wall, this is a better idea for dividing rooms. Place shelves to separate your kitchen and living room. It is functional, and a space-saver at the same time. Those helpful shelves will offer you storage space as well.


Say no to dining tables

Too little space, but you still need a proper corner for having lunch? Then you should not go for a big table. Especially not a circular shaped ones, as it needs to be placed in the middle of the room. That way you will end up with not efficient use of your space. Instead, make a bar that will have the same purpose, using less space.


Use the space under the bed smartly

Often, we would forget about this one. Beds are made with so much empty space, and why not use it for storage? Place some items that you are not using often in boxes,and slide them under the bed.


Small corners can be helpful

Another thing that will blow your mind! If you thought that corners are so useless, you are wrong. They can be used in a variety of ways. Extra storage for small items, or bookshelves are some of the ways that will be so helpful.
