Tips to Green Your Home

For today I have some tips to green your home. Don’t let anyone fool you – growing plants in your living room, bedroom or any other room is just as fun and easy as having an outdoor garden. In addition to their decorative appeal most of the plants can also purify the air.

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Pothos have an air-purifying quality that can absorb and strip toxins from the carpet and other materials. Spider plant can add visual interest to any room because of their unusual look. Heart-leaf philodendron is a trailing indoor house plant with perky, dark green leaves that come to a heart shape. All of them can be incorporated in any room and can green your house.

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Enhance Your Bathroom with Some Plants

We put flowers, plants and herbs in our kitchens, living rooms and dining rooms, even in the bedroom so, when you think about it, there is no reason to not include our bathroom in this list too. In fact there are many plants that need humidity and that do well in this space, that the other rooms in the home.

Before you pick the best plants, consider the environment the bathroom offers. Some plants need lots of space, some need high humidity levels, while some do well in spaces with low light. The spider plant, the snake plant, the orchid, the bamboo and the alow are some of the best plants for low light bathrooms.

Another think to take into consideration is where you will place the plants I’ve mentioned. The countertop is ideal for small plants, while the corner of the bathroom is perfect for tall ones. You can also think to place them on the windowsill, by the tub or on a shelf. Or you can even think about hanging them from the ceiling or on the wall. There are many options so now all you have to do is to pick plants and green your bathroom.


Orchids are graceful and beautiful flowers and can cheer up and add freshness to your bathroom. It is a relatively small plant, so that you can place it on the countertop by the mirror. To maintain an ariy look in a bright bathroom design, choose a white orchid.

The Bamboo plant

Place a bamboo plant by the window and it will grow towards the light. This is one of the fastest growing plant in the word and grows relatively tall, so you need to place it on the floor. There are some ways to control its growth. For instance, you can surround it with a physical barrier. You can also control their shape and create some interesting designs.


This succulent with long pointed leaves and many medical properties can also be part of your bathroom. Aloe prefers dry soil, so avoid frequent watering for the best result.

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What do you think about these tips to green your house?