10 Cozy Wooden Bathrooms

If you want to add warmth and coziness in your home, wood is the perfect eco-friendly material for that. Believe it or not, there are million bathrooms decorated with wood and for today, I selected the most beautiful wooden bathroom designs. Check them out and draw some inspiration to add some wooden elements in your bathroom.

image via www.spafitaz.com
wooden bathroom
image via www.reiacleveland.com

As you can already notice from the pictures above, the wood can be used in both modern and traditional bathrooms. The style of the bathroom will depend on how the wood is incorporated and there are many ways of decorating your bathroom with it.

SEE ALSO: Contemporary Bedrooms with Bathtubs

You can go for wooden walls or flooring or you can incorporate wooden cabinets. There are also many bathtubs made of wood, that look awesome. You do not have to worry about water damage, because all these features mentioned here are water resistant.

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image via www.cooqy.com
wooden bathtub (2)
image via starmanner.com

Wood looks great in combination with any other material, so it won’t be difficult for you to incorporate it in your bathroom. If you don’t know which color to choose to make your bathroom look stunning, I recommend you to go with white. White is the color you can never be wrong with.

image via xdesktopwallpapers.com
wooden bathtub
image via starmanner.com

These bathroom designs are simply stunning due to the wooden details included. Besides their practical features, they have beautiful aesthetic characteristics. The wooden washbasins and bathtubs look really luxurious, SPA-like and relaxing. If you want to turn your bathroom into an elegant and modern one, you can do it with wooden elements.

Who would not like to take a bubble bath after the long day? These bathrooms here look very relaxing and calming and that’s because of the wood.

wooden bathroom
image via yourlery.com
image via home-design-plan.com

Make your own SPA by incorporating wood in your bathroom. If you already have a wooden bathroom, you can upgrade it like these bathrooms here, to make it more sophisticated and modern.

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image via ihomeids.com
wooden bathroom-floor
image via www.foldingshowerscreen.net

Did you like these wooden bathrooms above? Which one did you like the most? Which design do you like more, modern or traditional? You can leave your comment below. Thank you for reading! Enjoy your day!