Hello book lovers! I assume that you have a great and also huge collection of books in your home. Why don’t you use them as decorative objects? Making your bookcase stylish is a nice idea. Despite having the purpose of storing your books, it will be so decorative. Check out these helpful bookcase tips and get started!
Stacking your books onto a bookcase is easy. But if you want to achieve a balanced and stylish look, then you have to follow these tips! They will help you to create the best looking bookcase ever.
Do not leave the background blank. Paint it in the color that will be the most suitable. it should get along with the whole room. A pretty accent color to the back of the bookcase will give it a fun look.
Pick a color scheme
Choose the colors that you want to have in your bookcase. Choose 3 or 4. Too much will make the space look busy. After having the colors, stick to your choice through the process. The decor you will place should be in the range of the colors you have chosen. That way, you will have a harmonious composition that will look stunning.
Use simple decor
Using some simple decorations will make your bookcase pop. Go for whatever you like, just keep the certain color scheme. Choose candles, vases, personal photo frames, or any other personal items.
Placing books
Do not place too much books if you want to have a stylish bookcase. You should have books and decorations, that should not clutter the case. Leaving empty space will achieve balance. Stack some of the book horizontally to add visual interest.
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