This Guide Will Help You Avoid The Most Common Home Design Mistakes

Hello to all those home decor enthusiasts! If you love to read about home design and helpful tips on how to do it by yourself, then I have something very helpful for you. The enjoyment of creating your own personal space and filling it with details is significant. But, what when you are self-taught and tend to make mistakes? Check this helpful guide and avoid the most common home design mistakes!

See also:

The Rug Size Guide: How To Choose The Best One For Your Living Room?


Mind the size of your furniture

Before you run to the store and buy the piece that you want so badly, think again. Any new addition to your home should match the existing furnishing. Pay attention to the scale of the items around, from furniture to small details. You should balance the height properly, so there are items with different heights around the room.


Cheap artwork

Nothing looks as bad as cheap artwork. Since a frame on the wall is always a focal point in a room, it is better to go without one rather than having a cheap one. This does not have to mean that you must spend lots of money. You can even make your own! The easiest way to do it is to choose free printables from the internet, and frame them. Use a simple frame so you can never go wrong with this one.


Too small rugs

An area rug is a nice addition for any room. It can anchor a space and give it the desired warmth. But, choosing the right size is the most important thing that will determine if the room is going to look cheap or stylish. The rule states that correct rug size is the one that manages to touch every piece of furniture that you plan. Or, at least the front legs of it. This means that for example if you plan an area rug in the living room, it should be big enough so the sofa , coffee table and chair lay on it.
